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     All technical data on the website is edited according experiment of occasion or library and report of our customer, it is impossible to include all possibility working condition , so we don’t assure the accommodated seal and working condition can completely satisfy the practice working condition. So, for special working condition and occasion, please contact our technical department to research specially.

     All pressure,temperature, speed and PH value display in this website is the max value of experiment, please pay attention to that because of manual restrict of each working parameter, the max value should be a little lower.

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How can the rational use, procurement seals?

        Medium, temperature, pressure, and working conditions should be an important factor. For example, not much pressure at work, use of plastic flange butt (PN <6kg) case, the choice of hard texture of the seals, such as F4 or metal materials, will be due to improper material selection, leakage, and if the use of graphite Materials, will be due to the effects of flexible and achieve better results, and vice versa.

      Again, the work in the chemical environment of the media, it must be reasonable and match different media so as to achieve a good sealing effect, or prone to unexpected chemical changes. Therefore, the choice of the seal of any rebellious Miao will lead to disastrous consequences.

      The gasket structure generally have the following for reference:

      1. for multi-flange connection is

           a. flat washer: Material used in press and more asbestos, non asbestos, oil and asbestos, PTFE, graphite gasket graphite gasket or enhanced, metal pad, a special metal gasket.

           b. Wound Gasket: inner and outer ring with outer ring or with the (convex multi-purpose desktop flat flange); with the inner (convex flange used); the basic model (without the inner and outer ring), cis-slotted flange Special sealing surface is relatively narrow, flat welding flange on the whole plane, wide sealing surface, the equivalent of the spiral wound gasket with inner and outer ring. Which country is important to note what the standard flange.

      2. for multi-turn drive shaft seal with a variety of fillings. Such as flexible graphite ring (points open and non-opening), woven from a variety of packing materials (or packing ring), a variety of materials inside and outside the oil seal ring and O-ring YX and so on.

      3. for special parts of seal products. There are various common seal, PTFE valve seat, graphite ring and rubber parts such as valve ring
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